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Heli ATP

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Posts posted by Heli ATP

  1. 13 minutes ago, hawkster said:

    A lot of people poo poo the booster plug and of course they never had one. I've used them on three bikes. The differences were generally subliminal yet positive. Especially at the off throttle/very little throttle position it's smoother.

    I agree, the boosterplug is not a flash. I did not need to remap anything, increase the top speed, or open up cruise control to more gears etc. It just makes the ride more pleasent and can be reversed in a few minutes if needed.

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  2. It was a cold and stormy night and I was looking through the forum when I came across 'The BoosterPlug'. I quickly ordered one, well it was winter and I wasn't spending money on gas, it arrived a week later. It was one of those late night purchases akin to buying something from an infomercial. I was bored and got my fix. Anyway six months later I find the Boosterplug in a drawer after completely forgetting about it.

    I traded in a FJ-09 for my Niken. The FJ was my first real bike and was too much bike for me at the time. Slow speed parking lot skills practice were frustrating with the snatchy throttle. I eventually got use to it, but it still was a pain. When I got the Niken I was pleasently surprised at how much better the throttle response was, not perfect but a whole lot better. I'm a mode 2 rider, mode 3 is boring and mode 1 finds me trying to break speed records, (BTW I'm up to 88mph).

    Today I installed 'The Boosterplug' on my Niken GT. I wish I'd done it sooner. I took the bike to a parking lot a couple of miles from home and was able to make tighter figure of 8's first attempt. I also noticed how much easier it is to 'Stop' (well almost stop) at a stop sign without putting my legs down. The slow speed throttle response is much better. It was an easy install, no skill required just some fiddling in a tight space. It took me about an hour with taking pics etc, but I could do it again in 20 minutes now that I know the drill.

    My understanding of how it works is that modern bikes are programmed to read the outside air temp a little different to what it actually is for emissions purposes, to control exhaust and pollutants. The boosterplug corrects this which results in smoother throttle response, however your dash meter thermometer might show about 35f degrees low. I didn't think to look at that on my ride tonight.

    Oh and BTW, I tried Mode 1 again... Look out Evil Knievil.

    The product and installation instructions are available at...

    Yahama products

    Niken specific location

    I took a pic of what you should have on hand for installation. The second pic shows a cover that needs to be removed, use a pointy thing to push in on the middle of the plastic push pin. The right side of the same cover requires a 5mm allen key and I added some thread locker to the bolt on re-install. Pic three shows how to release some fuse boxes that are in the way. Pic four shows the boosterplug hooked up before it was tidied into position. Pic five shows where I put the sensor, lightly zip tied to a brake line under the headlight.

    Later I was wondering if the brake line might get warm and effect the boosterplug reading. I felt the brake line when I arrived home and it didn't seem warm but it was a short ride, any input appreciated on that. I may extend the sensor line to another location further out front if necessary.

    Pic six shows the fuel pump main relay switch fuse which is tucked in the same area. I pulled that out by mistake so am posting a pic so you may not make my mistake.









    Fuel pump relay switch fuse.jpg


    • Thanks 1
  3. T-Rex stuff is excellent quality, they are really good at answering questions over the phone or through email. I have the Shad SH58X top case pictured in your 'Shad Luggage Rack' link on my Niken and absolutely love it. I dont fill it up but rather use it for helmet/jacket storage when off the bike away from home. However with the extra weight up front on the Niken I dont notice the large top case at the rear.

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  4. 7 minutes ago, Headgas said:

    Hey perfect, does this one use the stock blinkers and have a light for the license plate? Too bad it’s a European site. Not sure yet how long it will take to ship. But I’d rather get it ordered than have nothing on the way hah

    Try a google search. Twisted Throttle sells the R&G stuff at a preminium of course.


  5. 52 minutes ago, stiefel said:

    A bit late on the update but since there are still some talk here here ist how it went: I was able to clear the error massage without a Yamaha service adapter. So there might be some discrepancies between US and EU models? Idk. (I'm from the EU btw.)

    As I said, I am and was unsure if the QS light at the time of shifting was on or off, but I think it was off. Nevertheless the QS worked, although as I later found out you can shift without clutching with or without a QS system it just cuts the power automatically so you don't have to. I think you misread something as a quick googling for the owners manual (I don't have it printed out) says the QS works over 20kmph with at least 2.3k rpm. It doesn't say anything about 5k and/or gears 4-6. But I also heard about the 5k RPM thing btw. 

    I stand corrected and my manual says 4K and accelerating. I must have something in my head for a different model. Thanks for the clarification. I have experienced clunky shifts with low RPM's but never have a problem above 5K.

  6. Talk about gold wheels and paint... While on a work trip I saw a 2022 Kawasaki Z650RS in green with gold wheels. She had been on my mind all week. I have a Suzuki VanVan 200 that is not getting ridden so today I rode to Kawa dealer that has the 50th edition Z650RS reduced to sell. When I saw the Red/Brown of the 50th edition it did nothing for me. Thats when I realized it was the green paint I liked. I always thought I would like Matte paint on a vehicle, but my Niken GT in matte blue is hard to clean. I wonder how the Niken would look in the Kawa Z650RS green and gold?



  7. 10 minutes ago, knyte said:

    Got my FJ back from storage yesterday, and went for a short ride with Dad today for my first real ride since a) getting hurt a year ago nearly to the day (haven't been able to ride since until now) and b) since installing a Yamaha racing air filter, new plugs, TB sync, and vavle adjustment.

    On a) I definitely need to practice to get my confidence back, but it felt great to be out again and analyze what needs work.

    On b) it might be in my head but WOAH it seems to have more pull than when I rode it last.  Certainly improved.

    How about that windshield? Glad to hear you are back on the saddle.

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