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Everything posted by knyte

  1. Estimated range? Dang, don't recall seeing that in the menu. *hits the owners manual*
  2. Man that looks great in black...Batman-esque Personally, I'm a fan of the FJR touring bags for panniers...they use the same mount and bracket as the Tracer / FJ-09 'city bags'.
  3. Those ruins are amazing...timelessly photogenic. Looks like a great day for a ride!
  4. I've towed a U-Haul trailer PACKED and way to big for the car - behind an 82 Civic station wagon 1.5 litre (I think) 5 spd through the Rockies and back again. The vehicle manual said the same thing...not designed for towing, but I found a Class 2 somewhere and installed it anyway. Sounds like that bike trailer is well balanced, which is everything. Go for it!
  5. Those look good! The lines and angles suit the machine
  6. ...so it's not just me...I thought something wasn't adjusted correctly, or maybe my hands are in the wrong position or something...
  7. What a great write-up, thanks for sharing! ...sooo jelly...can't wait to ride the US a bit. Soooo much ground to cover...
  8. I looked long and hard at a 2019 650...until realizing it was heavier than my DL1000!!! ...happened to see an FJ-09 in the same showroom, and, well...here I am
  9. That was a huge part of the appeal for me; a very strong aftermarket. I recently sold my '02 DL1000 with ~32k on the odo. And yeah...heavy bike.
  10. That motel sign is something from a horror movie Hate to see so much destruction, but...life finds a way. It will all come back in time. Thanks for the pics...beautiful waterfall
  11. You've said this far better than anyone else so far hahaha It does perform wonderfully, though, doesn't it ? Welcome to the forums...you've come to the right place!!!
  12. I had a flat rear and had it replaced with a Pilot 5. The front is a Conti-something or another, and had less than 500 kms on it at the time, so left it on. Love the Michelin! I've ridden in some very cold (5 deg C) and rainy conditions and had no problems at all. They're a great tire (sorry...tyre!). For what I do, I expect to be sticking with them for a while. Even gravel / hard packed dirt hasn't really been a problem any more so than any other tire, really. I mean...I can't see riding on wet grass or anything, that would end in tears and pain I'm sure.
  13. I'm looking to re-key my touring bags, so just might be trading some gear with you, if shipping to/from Canada is OK.
  14. Such great bikes - in any trim package, really. Glad to have you aboard!!
  15. Man I can't wait for the end of this pandemic. Utah is #2 on my bucket list for riding the US, #1 being the Pacific Coast Highway to Cali (Dad lived in Santa Barbara). SO much to see...
  16. Went for a spin last night to catch the fights with a friend an hour out of town, and checked my (used) panniers - and the previous owner had already done this for me!!
  17. How's removal for refuelling? EDIT: now that I use my eyes, it looks like the straps have quick-disconnect/connect snaps.
  18. You're not so hi-vis next to those colours ...man, the fall aesthetics sure pop. The cows look curious! Looks like a beautiful area, great pics
  19. I lave a pair of Lexin B4FM's, they're okay..and cheap. Should I have to do it again, I'd get Cardo PacTalks.
  20. Looks great; love the water / creek shots especially. Great day!
  21. Warming lunch on exhaust heat = brilliant!! Looks like a fun ride