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Everything posted by knyte

  1. Looks to be mounted center above the dash...probably much like this for my FJ: Original Yamaha FJ-09 MT-09 Tracer 900 2015 2016 2017 GPS Phone Holder | eBay Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for... Not sure how the mounts are different or anything, just a guess that it might be similar in that it might mount between the fairing and the windscreen? Now that I look again...nope. Seems to be standing vertically somehow. Hopefully they uploaded the file to Thingverse or something...if all ya have to do is print it out and install it, that'd be sweet.
  2. Thanks @foxtrot722, it so happens I'll be removing the front tire tonight for a new tire (both will be Road 5's), and was looking for a quick reference. Thanks for the write up and great photos!
  3. 100%. I've been doing this since I bought it. With ATG (and some extra Covid-waistline).
  4. I was off-roading with a friend a year or so ago and we happened on this quiet, lonely two-lane slab in the middle of nowhere with only a very few houses around, and about 45 minutes out of the city. It's open, but the shrubbery makes it feel enclosed and tight. Nice little rises, some wonderfully banked tight turns. Mental note: bring the bike here. Yesterday I did - it's a short stretch, but MAN is it fun. I hope to go back with a friend so we can monitor for any incoming traffic and ensure we have it to ourselves. I went back and forth a few times, but it was already late afternoon. Mental note, come back earlier and bring a bigger lunch. I stopped for a snack just north of the river at an abandoned farm house and just took in the afternoon. On the way back to the city, southbound, I found a stretch through Elk Island National Park I hadn't been on before, and what a delightful surprise - it was much the same, undulating slab with very well banked curves, but FAR greener and better scenery, eventually stopping for some more water at Astotin Lake. Fun Twisties - Google My Maps Fun Twisties
  5. Great ride, looks like it was a lot of fun!
  6. This is what I do - I'm 6'. Yeah the stand is a bit awkward compared to some. I'm used to it now, so all good. In reading up on the bike before buying it, I was all ready to modify the stand, but after figuring it out as you did too, there's no need. However, what if you just modify the pin ? Can you get someone to lengthen it an inch? - that's probably all it needs, if that much. Easy task for the right person. Makes sense the wider foot accomplishs the same thing - give your heel something to 'bite'.
  7. You could be on to something with that. Forums might not be for everyone when Faceplant is so prolific at generating its own audience. I was an early adopter of Faceballs (full disclosure - 20+ years in IT). It was months before anyone I knew outside of work circles started joining. Kept it for a while, but a few of us saw it was headed in a very dark and self-serving direction - I think I lasted about 5 years. No regrets deleting that account. No Insta, either. There are already plenty of photo sharing sites with less tentacles and higher standards of corporate conscience.
  8. They were used in the Tour de France as camera vehicles, too. Although I think the pillion was handling the hardware, so I doubt there were any modifications.
  9. Only in that I'm really stiff at the end of the day, and worn out overall. No herniated discs or anything yet, thankfully. Very mild chronic pain, nothing to complain about whatsoever. HAHA my g/f shot that, that's really funny! I'm considering another 3 day ride next week through the Rockies (HWY 93 / Icefields Parkway). Looking forward to that loop at least once if not twice this year. It won't be long before my family in BC & I will all be fully vaccinated, so some long trips to the Interior / Fraser Valley / Lower Mainland and the Island are in order.
  10. So very cool to have had a partner that let you be you! Great story, thanks for sharing. I got in a bit late (late 40's, now 51) but I have a condition that's aging my spine rapidly - the specialists tell me I have the spine of a 60 year old. So, I have some of the same concerns you do, to a degree. Covid blew my gym and healthy eating habits out of the water; I lack self discipline, mostly. However - summer is around the corner and it's time to quit languishing and get out there! I sure hope to make it last as long as possible. You, my friend, are an inspiration.
  11. Saw a grey Tracer with a top box and aftermarket pannier brackets (no panniers) around 156 St yesterday around 12:30.
  12. Thanks to Wordsmith's original post and thoughts, I finally got my Seat Concepts Sport Touring installed and a first several-hour ride was last night. First impressions: LOVE the extra height. I'm about a 34" inseam, maybe a bit more. The extra 1/2" goes a looong way for me. I feel a bit taller in the saddle, so to speak, which somehow adds a bit of confidence. It's probably psychosomatic, but everything felt better - access to the levers and controls; even the handlebar felt better. The flatter profile is also exactly what I was after. We rode from Edmonton to Elk Island Nat'l park, with the idea of coming out at the north end and looping back to Edmonton via Ft Saskatchewan. However, we stopped in the park for a drink and a stretch, and my ride partner then realized one of the lids for her aluminum panniers blew off somewhere. So, we backtracked and spent the better part of about two hours looking for it (found!). There were some very technical parts to this search, and - long story short - no more numb nutz for this cowboy. It felt like I could ride all day without any issue whatsoever. As others have noted, the cover is far more sticky than the stock material. Not a big deal, just something to be aware of and be ready for should one have to put a foot down on uneven ground - could be a bit harder to slide a cheek over if you're not ready for it. I ride with Klim riding jeans, or rain pants over them, so either material would have a bit more friction. The one unexpected part was how the rear part of the foam creates a sort of 'cup' for your cheeks. As @wordsmith noted, "quite deeply ‘dished’". This isn't a huge deal, but is notable. I could feel the 'lip' of the cup/depression on the back of my thighs - if the foam were any harder this could be uncomfortable and could even make a leg fall asleep. I'm hoping it'll break down a bit over time and become less pronounced, but again - hardly a showstopper. A very minor inconvenience and I have zero regrets. A small piece of sheepskin would fill the depression perfectly, I'm sure. It's a bit hard to see in the photos.
  13. Same here. RKA bags can be had with this wire (the inside of the bag has two USB charge ports, so that's where the gadgets go), so I set it up similar as you. The Garmin has its own dedicated power cable. This means the Yamaha power port doesn't get used at all - don't need it! Too annoying and fiddly. Well said. Epic engineering exercise with solid results! Very cool.
  14. Like I said, my opinion means nothing 🤔 Thanks for the clarification. Good luck!! Hope you find a favourable solution
  15. That's awesome, man. Congrats, and welcome. Looking forward to some ride reports!
  16. Agree completely. Not huge torque or pressures there. However, and not that my opinion means anything, but if it were me I'd replace the valve cover. Otherwise I'd always be anticipating the failure. Would rather an intact cover be installed and never have to think about it again. That said, taking it to a machine shop, as you say, is a fantastic second-best.
  17. I picked up a set of these last fall, and they're great. I don't need them often, but they're sure nice when the time arises.
  18. Sit as close to the tank as you can. You'd be amazed what a big difference a small change can make.
  19. ..probably would feel more confident on the highway as opposed to around town. But, I'd feel that way with any passenger, tbh.
  20. I paid considerably less than that in CAD for a used 2015 in March of 2019 and it had 11,000 kms on the odo with brand new Conti tires. No extended warranty, though. But, as @CRFan250 points out, used bikes are just nuts right now. I can't seem to find a CRF250L for a reasonable price. Everyone is asking ~5k, and yet the base CRF300 is due out any day now for 6500. Doesn't make much sense - it's gotta be Covid driving the prices up; everyone sick of being stuck at home. Powersports seems like a quick and easy way to get outside for some fun.
  21. 6", 34" inseam - fits me great. Luv the upright riding position. I have a barndoor windshield, but, as mentioned - personal preference.
  22. If only ThinkGeek were still around - brings back memories of the Annoy-o-tron. Srsly though that's a great idea
  23. THIS. I had an experience with my SUV whereby I installed platinum plugs only to discover the vehicle ran worse (it'd run horrid when cold, missing, lack of power, and stumble sometimes even when warmed up). I tried different fuel, including different octane, changed out the air filter, the plug wires & coil, even had a dealership flash new firmware, new fuel filter, but only after re-installing factory spec spark plugs did it run properly again without any stumbles at all, ever again. Lesson learned: don't overthink it!
  24. Interesting conundrum. You're going to love the bike, whatever you're able to figure out of it. I can tell you from experience that FortNine returns are great. They include a return label, the return time is generous, but they will deduct return shipping from the refund total. Shipping isn't all that expensive, so it's still a decent transaction. If you're as curious as I am, we could meet at some point and compare models. I'm waiting on a seat cover so can't ride until it's fitted; I hope to have it back in the next couple of weeks. It's looking like there's dang near a Tracer / FJ-09 chapter in Alberta!