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Everything posted by knyte

  1. Seat Concepts Sport Touring seat cover & foam kit: 4.5 - it is very firm, far more comfortable, and to steal someone else's description, the foam is deeply 'dished' which takes a bit to grow accustomed to. 5 - because the foam adds ~ 1/2", there is no slope at all any longer. Great if you have a tall inseam.
  2. Great report! Sounds like you addressed all the squeaks and rattles. Now you can start enjoying that amazing engine
  3. You're not kidding. When I was eyeing my now-FJ on the showroom floor, the salesguy fiddled with the seat for about 15 mins and still got it wrong (not that I knew the trick at the time or anything). It's easy to line the pins up with the wrong holes.
  4. I re-read the APS thread last night and am thinking this would be the answer. I hope to adjust this when installing the bash plate. Who knows, I may be an A Mode All The Time convert...
  5. V cool. Seems like there's a few of us who came from V-Stroms. Welcome!
  6. My g/f was asking about the modes. I told her B = Boring mode (lol) and A = a**hole mode. All in good fun. Meh, to each their own. I have not had an ECU flash, but might - someday. I tend to use B mode if it's really wet and/or cold and might be worried about traction. A mode is incredible fun, but I tend to use it when I REALLY need to teleport past something. For me, it's a bit much for around town, but not always - it depends! It's all about time and place. I think it really comes down to personal preference and one's own riding style. You might be smoother with A mode, I may not be. Neither is wrong. I just love that these things have the option, right there - any time we want it.
  7. The only reason I want to swap my pegs is because there isn't enough 'bite' in my boots (2 different pair) if it's raining - the pegs (or my boots) become quite slippery. I've nutted myself more times that I care to admit when getting on...
  8. dude, my heart stopped for a minute there, lol. WHAT he can't be selling already?! Lemme guess..broken oil pan?!? But then I read your post.
  9. I'm not aware of anything that specific, but I use aCar (Android/iOS/web - fuelly.com) to track all of my vehicles - cagers and otherwise. You have to manually input your service intervals, but there are enough pre-defined categories that you don't have to create too many custom entries. For example, here is the data so far for my FJ: 2015 Yamaha FJ-09 (Yamaha FJ-09) | Fuelly Unfortunately, you can't see the reminders (service intervals) unless you're logged in to the site. I only have one reminder (for this vehicle); brake fluid flush (because I did one this spring, so now it's something I'd want to keep track of). So far oil change reminders aren't required - they're performed every fall; chain clean about every tank or two. I do plan on entering in a few more reminders, of course, from the manual. I try to log as much detail about various services as possible. All you need to do - consistently - is enter every fill up: volume, cost, and odometer, as well as input any receipts for service performed and odo too of course. The app does the rest. This does add about a minute to every fill up, but I keep a pen handy and just write the ODO on the receipt and enter it in later in the day if I'm in a real hurry. Minor chore. Here's one of my cagers with literally years of data & reminders. 2001 Mazda Tribute (Mazda Tribute) | Fuelly Hopefully that gives you the idea, and at least something to consider.
  10. Thanks for the replies. Sounds like no measuring needed My eyeball measuring tape is usually pretty good anyway, but it never hurts to ask...
  11. ...haven't installed it yet, but I'll be sure to take some notes when I do!
  12. Bragg Creek / Black Diamond / Cypress Hills are all on my bucket list! Interesting to hear you thoughts on Road 5's. I've been running a mismatched Road 5 rear and a Conti TK70 front until last Friday, and you're right - the 'road feel' was noticeably different, even with just the front swap. That sounds like a really fun stretch of slab!
  13. ...that sounds...dangerous I'm in!
  14. It truly is. The vegetation at those altitudes is quite different than where I live. I can see many more rides through here in my future.
  15. Sweet ride, what a cool experience. Glad to hear someone is driving a GT as it was designed.
  16. ...ordred my SW Motech bash plate on June 10th from Twisted Throttle and it arrived today - from US to Canada?!? That's fantastic service. It was certainly packaged well. It had enough packing tape and bubble wrap to protect the whole bike. It looks outstanding...but the ex-tin basher in me is furious for being without access to a metal shop, lol. With a shear and a power brake I could easily make one of these, although perhaps not quite to the meticulous standard these seem to be. The clear attention to detail looks outstanding; no regrets, just bellyaching Does anyone happen to have measurements to drill a hole for the drain plug on an FJ? I'm happy to post the details when the time comes if not (in about a week).
  17. Well my front Continental TKC 70 finally wore out (the bike came with them, I had to replace the rear shortly after buying it). I noticed some cracks on the lugs last week. Anyway, picked up a new Michelin Road 5 for the front on sale online and it arrived on Wednesday. I had Friday off, so the plan was to get the tire mounted & balanced, then installed - all in the morning - and head out in the afternoon. I found a Kijiji ad from a fellow who'd mount and balance for $25, and as luck would have it he could meet me early in the morning. Followed a guide I found here, as well as leafing through the Haynes; simple enough job. It all worked out perfectly. (EDIT: These Garmin links are fun, but a bit lacking. Zoom out to see the actual route.) Garmin Live Tracking - Powered by Garmin Connectâ„¢ Rode from Edmonton to Hinton (overnighted it here) Friday, and left for 93 a bit late Saturday to let the skies clear and the temperature to warm up. I geared up fully, because anything below about 15 C needs an extra layer (or two). Worked out very well in that the lowest was 8 C, but only a smattering of rain. Otherwise it was all bright and clear and the views were spectacular. Fuelled up in Lake Louise with about 10 kms left in the tank. Made Canmore by about 5 PM. Again, fantastic scenery. Sa Sadly, I lost the GPS tracks from Canmore to Calgary via HWY 1A, but let's just say it was a perfectly bright morning and a spirited ride. Not reckless or anything, but, yes, 'spirited'. There were more bikes than cars through that entire stretch. Stopped at Peters' Drive In in Calgary for a burger and a banana milkshake. Had to clean some bugs off the visor! Dang things exploded several times. While I was there a fellow on a GXR popped over; gestured at my FJ: ..."Is that your bike? My dad has one of those. How fast do they go? He rides like a grandpa!" After I threw some numbers at him, and he confirmed the chicken strips were pretty thin after that rip along 1A, he seemed satisfied these things aren't grandpa bikes. His dad just isn't taking full advantage of what's there. Took Hwy 22 from Red Deer on home. Garmin Live Tracking - Powered by Garmin Connectâ„¢ Great weekend!
  18. Thanks, I knew I was forgetting someone!! Also a great choice to consider.
  19. In my head, it breaks down like so: If you can barely afford a tank of fuel, get the eBay knock off, but don't expect much. Best fitment and value for the dollar seems to be SW Motech, also seems to be the lightest and most minimal, yet strong. Givi is a close second, and comes in black, so is probably the most attractive. TRex if you want to survive an IED and $ is no object. Higdonian for ultimate style and wow factor. Others may disagree, but that's just how I interpreted them.
  20. I feel the same way, and this is the only reason for holding out for so long. However, this is now what - the second instance in less than a year? Psh, aluminum is light. My bike is worth FAR more than the few clams it'll cost to add a plate - especially when hundreds of miles from home.
  21. Welp this latest anecdote finally kicked me in the butt. SW Motech pan ordered.
  22. Ugh, that sucks. Glad to hear the human in this story isn't a write off! Sure hope it can be repaired or you can find a Tracer GT. Well that clinches it - I'm getting a skid plate.
  23. Klim (denim). They're the only ones (that I could find) with tailbone protection.
  24. I take BACK my thumbs up...because I don't have Faceplant