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Everything posted by knyte

  1. Many, many threads on that already. Search chain tension and you will see. I set our fleet, from dirtbike to streetbike, to about 1" 1/2 which feels about right.
  2. Alpinestars Belize Drystar work well when I'm on longer rides. They come up to about mid-shin, so a bit less moola than boots that cover the entire shin. What they do cover, however, is very well protected. They're not Gortex (which also probably helps keep the cost down a bit), but are waterproof (been in several downpours on the highway) and of a breathable nature that has done me well so far, even on hot days. I've done some short hikes in them, the longest about 45 minutes. The ankle is quite stiff, and that takes a bit of getting used to (maybe I just need to break them in a bit more), but they weren't uncomfortable by any means. One thing about Apinestars is they're consistent with sizing: I started off with SMX-3's for city riding, but couldn't find any touring / waterproof boots that a) met my criteria b) in stock and c) correct sizing - so, I ordered these online (they arrived FAR faster than any local shop could get them in), and the fit is every bit as good across both pairs of boots.
  3. Honestly, that makes for the best trip. As soon as I read @wanderer's post I thought exactly the same thing!! Man I sure hope there's enough season left for exactly that - gear up and just head in some random direction. Take lots of pics, @wanderer!! Sounds like an adventure!
  4. Same here, '15 FJ. Didn't start once at the pump so I primed as described by keying the ignition a couple of times.
  5. I'm mildly interested in a T7, too, but it has nothing to do with brand loyalty (although it helps a wee bit, I suppose - one sort of knows what to expect from one model to another for fit and finish, quality control, how well - or poorly - the switches work and such). It has far more to do with the right bike for the type of riding I want to do. The T7 is interesting because 1) it's a small-ish twin 2) simple 3) tall 4) capable 5) inexpensive for what you get aka the value seems to be there That said, a Honda 250/300 is more what I'd actually be after.
  6. ugh, tough luck man. Hope you can get riding sooner rather than later.
  7. I've been supporting smartphones since the early Blackberry days...actually, a bit further back, if you count Kyocera. You are spot on with that. Smartphones, by and large, are overpriced and fragile. They're not suitable for this application, in the context of motorcycling. Some will disagree, and that's OK, it's whatever works for you. I know I'm the minority, but I jumped off the endless (and expensive!) phone upgrade cycle a few years back. Like anything, it did take a bit to get used to being without it. Now I can't imagine ever going back to relentless alerts and updates. Just call me, for crying out loud ...my KaiOS flip phone makes calling easy (and is untrack-able), and my Garmin makes directions easy.
  8. Yep, I've seen it many times, but sometimes - just sometimes - the angle in which to stand and how the bike is at rest may not be conducive to an easy upright. I've lifted mine twice now, successfully, but once it fell over in such a way as the tires would be about 2" higher than the rest of the bike, as it sat laying down - and that's all it took to create a near impossible lift (for me). We haven't met yet, so you may not understand my physical limitations. My g/f and I were able to easily get it upright, however. Point being, in the heat of the moment, so to speak, the anxiety and such of the 'incident', plus the effort it takes to upright it - a person can heat up and begin profusely sweating in mere seconds. Therefore I can relate 100% to gearing down before attempting a lift.
  9. FJ-09 = 462 lbs wet Niken = 580 lbs I can lift my FJ. Don't ask me how I know. Niken ? I'm nowhere NEAR buff enough to pick that kind of weight up...that's going to take two ppl, for the most part.
  10. And here I thought it was just me... As for the Pan, I've yet to see one in the wild...looking forward to getting up close to a Pan.
  11. Plus these things are probably heavy enough that one would want to remove their helmet to enlist some nearby help...then gear down a bit more to heave it upright again. Like @betoney says, all that tension + heavy lifting would make for a fast heartrate and plenty of sweat!
  12. Looking good! Welcome to the forum.
  13. If it were me, I'd look at chain / sprockets, tires, consumables in general. Oil / filters. PS perhaps heated handgrips
  14. I'm in a similar situation. I'd really like something smaller to off road with - say, a CRF250 or thereabouts, but good luck finding anything used at a reasonable price - if at all. So far every dealership I've visited has nothing similarly small in stock - they're just being all snapped up. I've yet to find a single T7 in stock anywhere; although realistically it's not the bike I'm actually shopping for - I'm just curious, and it's roughly the same price bracket as a small dual sport. I looked long and hard at a DRZ, but everything I've learned about them points to the suspension being WAY to soft and one outgrows it quickly. KLR = too big (for me). Personally I think this is simply the wrong time to buy - there's just nothing out there. Demand is crazy high, and supply / production is low.
  15. Yeah, great pic. Welcome! Great bike.
  16. Sorry for your loss, friend. I hope that beautiful bike finds a good home.
  17. So it's not just me! I lost one, too...no idea where or how. I actually replaced both mirrors with aftermarket mirrors (can't tell the difference from stock) and for some reason the covers don't fit right - the bolt inside sticks up juuuust enough that the cover won't snap into place. Arg - first world problems? At worst a drop of black silicone or something should do the trick. Just anything that's easy to remove.
  18. HAHAHA omg I laughed when I read that...cuz I've been there, brother.
  19. Dang, that sucks! Hopefully it's just something silly and easily remedied.
  20. I've felt some heat from the left, too. Nothing uncomfortable whatsoever - but noticeable on occasion. I'd just attributed it to heat washing through the rad.
  21. Running Road 5's and love them. Fantastic traction and decent road feel. Had no problem in high mountain passes at 5 deg C and rain. I think "best tires" is subjective - really depends what kind of riding you want to do, your budget, and how often you're willing to change them out.
  22. Glad to hear that! Now you can enjoy that oh so sweet engine...