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Everything posted by betoney

  1. @cuff - Looks really nice. I like the white FJ and the white rim stripes really complete the look.
  2. @vtwin996. The accessory plugs should be behind that plastic plate, I believe there might be 2 or 3 power leads.
  3. @spartacus I had the exact same bags with the exact same sagging issues. Your solution looks great and should be more than strong enough for anything you would ever carry in the bags.
  4. I think my suspension might be set a bit stiff / hard. Does anyone have some broad guidelines for suspension settings for a 200 pound rider on a 2016 FJ 09? I'm running 38 lbs front and rear in the Dunlops. Is that correct for my weight on this bike? Getting to know her is getting to love her... cb I am not an expert, so take my opinions as merely opinions. When you talk to any suspension tuner, one of the first thing they will ask you is how much you weigh, correct spring rate is crucial, followed by setting correct sag for your weight and cargo. If you are going to keep stock components then you are limited to spring preload and rebound settings. You can somewhat modify the fork action by experimenting with different oil viscosities, thinner or thicker oils will flow quicker or slower through the valve orifice's. While riding, dont be afraid to make adjustments on the go, I always ride with a straight slot screwdriver on both street and dirt bikes. If you have never adjusted your rebound, close the valve by turning the clicker clockwise just until it stops, dont force it. Open it counter-clockwise 5 clicks (this is just as a starting reference) and go tear through some twisty roads and see how it feels. If you need to tweak it, pull over and add or subtract 2 clicks at a time and ride it again. Your rebound adjustment will alter the speed that your forks or shock rebound back from being compressed, clockwise=slower, Counter-clockwise=faster. Concerning the stock Dunlop D222, - to me, they weren't terrible but nothing special either. Almost any other premium tire will give you better feel and feedback. Tire pressure is another trial and error aspect where you will find what works best for you. I personally think the recommendation in the manual for 42psi in the rear is crazy. I usually set mine at 34-35 Front / 35-36 Rear.
  5. With upgraded suspension that twitchiness and wandering doesn't happen. I was out riding with my brother a week ago and we got into some high speed sweepers between 90-105mph and she carves a line like a scalpel. 100% confidence and control. I usually set a fair bit of rebound damping in my suspension so I dont have the wallowing springy feel when charging through a corner. I was on a road-trip in Northern California with a buddy who also owns an FJ with stock suspension, we swapped bikes for awhile through some nice fast, twisty roads, later when we swapped back he immediately said "I'm convinced, when we get home I'm going to upgrade my suspension".
  6. the slip on in question is primarily an EU compliant product... part number RYA101SEO USA retailer- https://www.tawperformance.com... you will have to email em it looks like, they just show what brands they sell... Thank You, much appreciated.
  7. Does anyone have a source to purchase this slip-on in the USA? Every time I search online I get results for the FZ09 which I assume is a different pipe due to the lack of center stand.
  8. Where are you headed on your trip? A few of us are leaving after Labor Day for a week-long ride through Idaho, Montana, Wyoming and Oregon. - Lolo Pass, Beartooth Pass, Chief Joseph Highway, Bighorn Mountains, Tetons, Hell's Canyon area, etc.
  9. You are correct, the difference between the FJ and "new" base model Tracer is minimal, even costs the same. The biggest change is the screen and seat as well as longer swingarm, although the #1 and #2 complaints of the "new and improved" Tracer models is the screen and seat, go figure. Just curious, since your '15 seems to be in pristine condition, why the change to the '19?
  10. I would think that the shock and heated grips should fit, the CC unit might be a nightmare converting to the older bike though. Other than having a remote preload adjuster, I would be willing to bet that the shock itself is the same low budget unit. One part that has me curious as far as backward compatibility is the longer swingarm from the GT. Of course you would need several link longer chain, but that longer wheel base could possibly cure come riders stability issues.
  11. @foxtrot722 From the photo, it looks like you can get another 1,000 miles easily, the spot you have circled is the wear bar. In theory, when that is even with the rest of the tread, smooth all the way across, the tire is ready for replacement.
  12. That's exactly how I have my risers and Helibars bar back set up. I have also had the risers facing back with the Helibars riser for over a year and didn't have any issues with any of the cables. The brake cable has a mount bolted to the bottom of the triple clamp that can be undone to give you an extra 1-1.5" or so of slack.
  13. That looks nice. Please do a write-up after getting it installed and taking a test ride.
  14. It was fantastic. It’s also not far from another great road in Utah. Utah 128. I’m working on some pics from it. The best parts follow the Colorado river in the bottom of the canyon. Colorado and Utah are on my radar next season for sure. I’m still bummed out that I had to cancel my Colorado ride this year, we were going to ride those same roads, as well 550 - Million Dollar Highway, and 139 up into Rangely.
  15. Its funny seeing what some dealers are asking for leftovers, on Cycle Trader there are new '15's listed for $10,490!! and '17's for just under $8,000. Nothing wrong with buying out of state, just fly 'n ride (or have it shipped) and then pay tax and title fee's when registering in Washington. I have gotten some ridiculous deals when buying out of state. Some of the listings have live chat's available, ask what the OTD price is. Paying under $9,000 (before tax and title) for a new '17 is a bargain. Cycle Trader currently has 3 full pages of '17's under $9,000. If you dont mind driving, check out Power Motorsports in Sublimity, Oregon 503.769.8888 They have a few new '17's listed for $8,999. Good Luck.
  16. I would think that it wouldn’t be too hard to modify the existing ones. I think your heel actually hits the passenger peg itself, not the bracket correct? Could you remove the peg and grind the 2 mounts flush with the bracket and then powder coat or paint the whole bracket?
  17. Mine were adjusted last week @ 23,300 miles. The right exhaust valve on all 3 cylinders were out of spec. At the same time I had the plugs changed and the throttle bodies synced. The plugs looked great and the throttle bodies were so close between the 3 cylinders that the mechanic said it was almost a waste of time to make adjustments.
  18. Been there, done that. My front fender still has the scar as a reminder.
  19. No, no noise at all. I bought the Superlite RS7 Kit with DID VX chain. I have used the Superlite 15T and 16T sprockets, both undampened and have not had any noise.
  20. Ya' know, its funny you mention that. You would think that there would be no use for heated grips for another 3 months. Last week I took a road trip into Northern California and in the Sacramento Valley it was up to 111-113 degrees during the day, coming back North, I stayed the night in Bend, Oregon - near 4,000' elevation, high desert. It was mid-40's when I got on the road the next morning and I was FREEZING since I was ill-prepared wearing summer vented gear (lesson learned) - the heated grips were a life saver in mid-July!!
  21. I noticed that you still have the original clutch cable, notice how it has kinks or hard angles in it? They are prone to fraying and in some cases breaking. Yamaha recognized this design flaw and revised the cable, look for the part number with an -02-.
  22. You seem like a nice guy, but I think I kinda maybe hate you just a little bit... Sounds like an amazing trip! I’m jealous. Lol, I dont want to rub it in, but the trip was frickin' AWESOME. We rode Highways 96/299/3/36/70/89...shall I continue? The heat was a killer though - 109-113!
  23. Just got home from a 5-day, 2,200 mile road trip into Northern California. Surprisingly, this is one of the only photos I took the entire trip (too busy shredding the tires). Mt. Hood, Oregon
  24. I just got my Visa $50 gift card from my rebate!! I got mine today from Bridgestone. - Gas money for my road trip on Monday!!