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Everything posted by betoney

  1. @sirepair - Glad to hear that you’re OK after the deer encounter. It’s a scary experience and something that never leaves the back of your mind afterward. Luckily my previous bike was the only thing that got damaged when I hit a deer, it was totaled and I was able to walk away with only extensive bruising.
  2. I too run my high beam on all the time, I adjusted the angle down to be equal with the standard light.
  3. What were these "quality and reliability problems" with the factory heated grips?
  4. Both of those links are now broken after the move to the new forum. I dont know of any other threads.
  5. Yes, I always replace them as a set. I got the same mileage out of the original Pilot Roads and PR2's. Currently using the Bridgestone S21 sport tires so will get significantly less miles. The tires are ridden on different pavement conditions, temperatures and locations, not just the typical wet Pacific Northwest.
  6. Before going to a flat drag bar, check your clearance with the bars at full lock left and right to see how close they are to the tank.
  7. I may be the odd man out here but I have never heard a mechanical "clunk" when the forks rebound to full extension, and would be extremely concerned if I did. The only time I ever remember hearing that in 45 years of riding was on a 60cc bike when I was a kid, the forks were very low on oil.
  8. I usually get the same error message as well. I have to lower the quality of the photo in the phone or send it to my PC where I resize it in Windows before posting it.
  9. You like the looks of the new GT II? I think they ruined the looks, especially the front. Oh well, it’s just a tire.
  10. The Angel GT's are FANTASTIC tires, I have worn out many sets on different bikes. The only reason I switched from Pirelli to my current Bridgestones is cost. With a mixture of longer road trips and aggressive sporty riding, I average about 9,000 miles from a set of GT's, if you ride more conservatively then expect quite a bit more mileage.
  11. It’s funny, most of the reviews and forums all mention the excessive vibration of the XR.
  12. Have you had a chance to put some miles on the S22's? Just wondering what you think of them, I have gone through several sets of S21's and love them.
  13. If they build it to your spec then it should be fairly pleasant and compliant over mixed surfaces, depending on what you indicated when you had them build it. ( did you have them build it for touring or a track day or aggressive street riding?) If it only has a single adjustment knob I would back off a few clicks and see if that makes the ride any better.
  14. Does your shock have one adjuster? Or separate for compression and rebound? did you have it built to your spec or is it an off the shelf unit?
  15. @clint - Thanks for the photos. This is one service that is probably not as complicated as it looks but is intimidating to me. I do all of my own maintenance but have always left the valve adjustment to the professionals, I should probably "just do it" the next time it is due.
  16. Its funny, tires are the one thing I buy for my bike that I cant wait to destroy! 😎 Hit the twisties and SHRED those bad boys!
  17. According to the Barkbuster Website they are offered in single point mount or two point mount.
  18. I agree with @chitown - Even though it shows "correct" in the middle of the sight glass, add a bit more until it is closer to the top of the sight glass.
  19. VERY cool! They put a lot of work into that thing in addition to the turbo and custom exhaust! Different KYB forks and linkage parts and I actually like the custom color scheme.
  20. No, but they should. I bought a Battery Tender Junior and it has the connector included.
  21. I agree with others here on the “shorter is better” mindset. But like suspension settings, it’s all subjective. Some like smooth clean air with a short screen while others don’t want to feel any air and use a barn door type screen. My brother has a Honda 919 naked with no screen at all and it is a joy to ride, even at 100 mph or 8-10 hours a day on a week-long road trip. As long as I don’t have turbulence with my head bobbing all around in the wind I am good to go.
  22. Look for a compressor that has an SAE connector, same as your battery tender. My battery tender lead is connected to my battery permanently, when I'm not riding over the winter, I plug in the tender, my heated vest also uses an SAE plug - very convenient.
  23. There should be no reason you need the HWM (some mfgr's call them A or GT spec) tires for the FJ/ Tracer. Those are for the heavier bikes; FJR, C14, K1600 etc.