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Everything posted by betoney

  1. The book says "a lot of things". 😎 @wordsmith - 3 quarts is what worked for me with a new filter. I tried 2.75 quarts but the level was a bit low for my comfort.
  2. Scott - Why 4 quarts of oil? I just changed my oil and filter and 3 quarts took it to the very top of the sight glass.
  3. Post up your results when finished. I will have the airbox open to clean the filter after my road trip next week, I might need to pull out the Dremel tool for some minor surgery. 😎
  4. There shouldnt be anything else to do in there. I removed the front foam area but havent heard anything about the snorkel. Adjusting the APS makes a noticeable difference in throttle smoothness, factory setting should be 17, I adjusted mine down to 12.
  5. If you find anything, let me know. My left mirror does the same thing, I am always having to re-adjust it.
  6. @bushman57 - the procedure should be identical, the only difference in the swingarm between the 2 bikes is the overall length.
  7. https://www.tracer900.net/topic/6915-removing-lowering-links-going-back-to-stock-difficulty/?tab=comments#comment-84471
  8. betoney


    Yes, they need to be wired to power, even fully charged the battery life might last an hour.
  9. betoney


    I have used that feature many times. Being in an unknown area and getting low on gas is an uneasy feeling, pushing a button and seeing that gas is 7 miles ahead is awesome!
  10. betoney


    I use the cheaper Garmin Nuvi or Drive series automotive models. I like that I can enter numerous stops in a days route (much easier than Google Maps) and it shows me the entire route distance through all stops and not just the next stop. The automotive models are cheap, I've picked them up on sale for around $100. I usually get a 2 or 3 year replacement warranty with it, (Best Buy) if it stops working then I just return it for a new one.
  11. I have the MCCruise and it is usable between 3rd - 6th and as low as 35mph, no top limit that I know of. While I like having all restrictions removed and the option to set it at any speed, I cant imagine ever needing to use cruise control under 30mph or above 100mph.
  12. @jdavis, Have you already ordered the seat? If not, you should contact @wordsmith about the Bagster seat. I believe he has bought 2 of them for different bikes and loves them. He might be able to get you contact info.
  13. I read great reviews, so figured I would give it a try. I also ordered a case on Amazon. I will have to change it again in 4 weeks after almost 5k miles between 2 road trips. The weather is finally changing around here, time to RIDE!!!
  14. Changed the oil and filter in preparation for 2 upcoming road trips into Northern California. I switched to Castrol Power 1 full Synthetic from Yamalube semi-synthetic.
  15. OK, the curiosity has gotten the best of me... I have to ask... why are you decelerating with no hands on the bars only at 42mph? Is this like one of those tide-pod challenges all the kids are doing on you tube? πŸ˜‰
  16. Mid-morning on a weekday, there is almost zero traffic - including authorities... and I ride it accordingly! 😎
  17. @micah2074 - it looks like you have great riding right outside your doorstep. This is a fun route nearby - Independence Valley / Spirit Lake Highway
  18. Look at the very bottom of the main page, click the "Theme" drop down.
  19. I just had the same thought, can the 2 connectors be reversed?
  20. Funny that you mention that, on Memorial Day I am riding down to Santa Cruz from Olympia for a concert and the next morning will be going to Alice’s restaurant for breakfast as I return North. It’s been on my bucket list for years. Unfortunately, it’s a quick ride down and return road trip, so no time for sightseeing or recreational riding.
  21. A smooth power curve and correct AFR means much more to me than a number on a sheet of paper. πŸ‘πŸ»
  22. Sorry to hear of your experience in frustration. Several members here, myself included, have ordered from Adrenalin-pedstop without issue, there isn't any major holidays in the U.K. at the moment? I would at least attempt to call them before claiming fraud, since they are only a reseller, there may be a backlog through Scorpion themselves. Scorpion Contact Info.
  23. Call twisted throttle themselves. They are a forum vendor and have great customer support, they can help you out.
  24. Ive had a set for the front sitting on my work bench for awhile now, after seeing these recent posts I decided "why not?". Its a 5 minute procedure and the difference is quite noticeable. πŸ‘