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Everything posted by wordsmith

  1. Pinching the concept of this Thread, I tried to interest members on another biking Forum that I infest. No interest whatsoever so far. I'm thinking it might be a bit tricky for those guys!
  2. You must present an idea for someone to post a picture of.. OK, next target: bike (and if possible its rider) adjacent to/ overlooking a large body of water - lake, ocean, etc. NOT a small puddle left after cleaning the bike! LATER EDIT: Whoops - sorry! Reading back through this fun Thread I see that koth442 put up this target on April 28th. But maybe leave it in anyway...?
  3. I hope this pic qualifies! It was taken on the New South Wales/ Queensland border (eastern Oz) about 350km (say 210 mi) from my home in one (northerly) direction, but over 14,400km (say 8600 mi) from home in the other direction. I was nearing the end of a 14,700km counter-clockwise solo circumnavigation of Oz on my BWM GS, for which the FJ-09/ MT-09 Tracer is a pretty good (if smaller) substitute.
  4. I have great rain gear except the boots. I stayed dry minus the soaked feet. And first time riding in wet weather. It was interesting....If compelled to ride in rain - as, f'rinstance, while on a long trip - I'd pull a thin grocery-type plastic bag over each sock-clad foot, THEN put the boots on. Works every time to such an extent that a few of the plastic bags were always in my luggage when away from home. Doesn't matter (too much) if the boots get soaked so long as the feet stay dry. Try it.
  5. Wow! That's AUD$2.29/ L. Now Aussie fuel prices are traditionally up and down like a bride's nightie, but have ranged over recent months between about AUD$1.10/L and the current AUD$1.40/L. Far too much...
  6. I guess a picture of my FJ by the local Yahama dealer’s Service Department would be inappropriate? Or with one's mother-in-law hovering nearby.
  7. It looks beautiful - but woddizzit?
  8. It probably will not arise during a test-ride, but given the adverse comments here about chain-slack (or lack of) on earlier models it will be interesting to see what the newer model (or its Owner Manual) reveals in this regard..
  9. Looks clean, congrats on a nice job. The header piping looks tidier than OE too. It would be interesting to see how it would fare on a dyno. At this price it would be a win even if it didn't have any great performance gain... so long as it didn't rob the bike of power of course. I must say that I do like the appearance and overall style of this Black Widow zorst option. That said, I have always been very taken with the neatly-integrated and tucked away OE zorst on the Tracer, so much so that it's almost invisible. It is very much preferable to some of the h-u-g-e items one sees on many bikes these days - in my BMW times their massive silencers - see pic below from my R1200 R (top pic) and GS (lower pic) bikes - were unkindly referred to as 'water-heaters'! Massive, ungainly, heavy, unattractive, easily damaged - apart from that OK! Fortunately plenty of after-market options were available, such as Akrapovic, but usually made of Unaffordium.
  10. Even pink would be better than the stock seat!
  11. The double-bubble I installed (AUD$30) definitely reduces, but does not completely eradicate, that fore-and-aft oscillation of the top of the screen.
  12. You're probably redirected to a local site. Change to .co.uk and it comes up... 300BP That GBP 300 must include the bike... :-S
  13. Hot Damn. I'm only 64. Hope I'm riding everyday (weather allows here ... we don't all live in the Rider's Paradise knows as Australia ) when I turn 79. Much as I love my country, vijay (and others) it's not quite the rider's paradise! Olddawg says he rides almost every day, lucky man - I haven't ridden for a few weeks now due (mainly) to the seasonal very hot and very humid weather, typical of this time o' year. Floridians call them 90/ 90 days, I bleeve - 90F and 90% humidity! Here it's often 90+/ 90+ - this coming weekend we are promised some thunderstorms with 36 deg C (= 97 F). But then I'm getting old - younger and tougher guys and gals would probably revel in it. But the trade-off (for this part of the country) is balmy dry days and nights with moderate temps throughout Autumn, Winter (ha! ), and Spring - these are indeed paradise days!
  14. thanks, dbeau - I geddit now, but 'twas a bit too obscure for me, so I shall double-up on the medication immediately!
  15. Just making light of the sideways direction this thread has taken. No offense intended.No offense (or indeed offence) taken, keithu, but no understand either the too-subtle photo you posted! And Charlie Tan or not (and not to be too precious about it) I'm currently on my third Tracer, so although I claim no expertise I think I can clearly put my hand up to having some experience!
  16. Charlatan! You don't even own a Tracer, do you? Here is a photo of the person who designed the Tracer/FJ windscreen: Sorry, but I don't geddit!
  17. Your personal opinion that the stock seat is 'just fine' is very much at odds with many - if not most - other owners here. Indeed, I'm pretty sure that the OE seat ranks #1 in the dissatisfaction stakes on this Forum - you are one of the fortunate ones who find it OK. One man's seat is another man's poison, as I have said before. The rest of your post is a bit self-indulgent, I find (YMMV). I'm also in something of a minority in that I find the stock windscreen perfectly OK, but I wouldn't belittle those who differ!
  18. Some of the TV pix of weather conditions in many parts of the US are frightening! Here, many places touched +46 deg C (= +115 deg F) yesterday... LATER - In Sydney (our largest city, on the east coast of Oz) temp officially reached 47.1 deg C = 116 deg F. Highest ever recorded there.
  19. Repaired my helmet! The rubber 'trim ring' (probably not the correct name but it's all I've got) became detached when I was away recently, and when I got off the bike to re-fuel it hung around my neck like a hangman's noose. Needed two pairs of hands to re-attach it with some contact adhesive, the ring being secured with some masking tape while the glue cured. Should be OK now, but - weird!
  20. From the link's pix the bike appears to be a NON-TRACER MT-09... FWIW.
  21. I do fully admit to being in jest. And also fully admit that the beak just looks nice, IMHO ?I, too, quite like the beaked look, being a BMW GS-er, fully-beaked, for many years. But I cannot come at the AUD$210+ for the item...
  22. You should be in politics ? (A) He is. (B) - I wish I understood a word of this...... :-S