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Everything posted by wordsmith

  1. A good thick book to read while you're installing all those goodies.
  2. Great look - and if I'm correct the pillion-seat top-box has a net on top to carry an extra bit of stuff. Great idea that! Well done.
  3. IMHO, this fact probably has a lot to do with it.
  4. Of course, it's not my dosh, but if you can find the extra money the GT is the only way to go. You would almost certainly recoup much if not all of the extra cost when time comes to sell or trade. It already has cruise-control, which is excellent (as indeed I hear the McCruise is, but no work involved). Other features include slipper clutch, clutch-less upward shifts, longer swing-arm for added directional stability, far better and more useful TFT colour display screen, all-round adjustable suspensions, even the seat is more comfortable and more stylish and better-looking, as is the windscreen with its one-hand tool-less adjustability. Do think hard about your choice - you're likely to be living with it for some time!
  5. Blind-spot mirrors can be bought on-line or from any decent auto accessories stores, usually coming in a pack of two at about (here in Oz) $8.
  6. The 'tools' you mention comprise nothing more than a small black plastic screwdriver handle and - clipped-in separately - a double-ended screwdriver 'stem' that slides into the handle for use. Hardly worth bothering about - and as said, you could surely find room for it - or its equivalent - elsewhere on the bike.
  7. Get on and order one, quax! There WAS an issue with early Tracer BAGSTER seats collecting wetness (rain, hosing, etc) but they quickly picked up on that and the foams now are encased in thin but adequate plastic. I never had any moisture matters....
  8. Could be worse! Must take an on-line look at that Slingshot - not sure if sold down here...
  9. Looks like one of those iconic maps of the London Underground...
  10. #1 would do. #2 would not. #3 - looks even weirder than a Spyder!! And after cocoa I might fall asleep on that reclining seat. Which reminds me - I have a two-and-a- half hour session booked with my dentist shortly, after which I doubt I'd be able to afford ANYTHING!!! AA☹️Aaaarrrggggggh!
  11. Thinkin' 'bout it, dazz! Deff a lot cheaper than a Spyder, but maybe it comes with plenty spiders in that wreck of a (non-Bagster) seat!
  12. I have always been averse to an excess of technology on mobikes - no such issues here I'd bet! F'rinstance - no front brakes!! On the other hand, good storage for a helmet...
  13. ... used only by a little old lady to drive to church on Sundays.
  14. Someone pls tell me asap if you can whereabouts the bike's Comp Plate is located. TIA
  15. All that's needed is a chain-saw or angle-grinder!
  16. At my suggestion, one of the Moderators has moved my mental meanderings about the Can Am Spyder to the more-appropriate FIRESIDE CHAT Thread. If anything more is worth chatting about on this topic, that's where you'll find it.
  17. I took a test-ride on one of these once at a BMW Safari. They came in various non-mobike colours, including a very tasty coffee-'n'cream. Finish and detail was impeccable: handling not so as I felt the back hopping out more than once as I meandered gently along Tasmanian roads! Great to look at, not so good to ride.
  18. This is a BMW R9T, somewhat rare around here. It would answer some of my lack of enthusiasm for later BMWs boxer twins - of which I've owned many - developed over a long time with them. They were becoming too complex, too heavy, too expensive, too fragile.. This variation goes back in time: other than ABS there are no electronics on this bike - no cruise-control, no mode selections, no adaptive cornering lights, no traction control, just pure bike. At only 785mm its seat height would suit me - no need to become a gymnast to easily climb on and off - and its relatively low weight of 220kg fully-fuelled and low c of g would help with stability. Visually, it's pretty quirky, and somewhat derided as a poseurs's bike, but I like it very much.
  19. My TRACER GT has been sold, happily to the first-to-see, who cannot believe his good fortune. I shall miss it, but after much recent chopping and changing of mind, shall-I or shan't-I, I decided that I have been very fortunate indeed to ride all the past bikes for so long without any untoward happenings, so at 80 n.o. but rapidly declining in matters material to safe motorcycling, it was time. I have enjoyed my time on this Forum, learned a lot and hopefully contributed something useful too. I shall not call-in from time to time as my worth will rapidly become irrelevant, so let me wish you all well in your riding futures. For me, it's pipe and slippers time, with a hot cocoa on hand...
  20. Thanks, wd. My impression is that the difference between the narrower GT's 'bars and wider Gen1 Tracer 'bars is appreciably more than the half-inch you mention, maybe up around 4" or 5" or thereabouts. But I'll have to dig into it a bit more: I did read it in some specs some time ago. I very much doubt I'd have detected a difference of only half-an-inch! The original wider Gen1 'bars might not fit the GT without some/ a lot of work due to the mass of additional controls on the GT 'bars - cruise-control etc.
  21. YMMV and FWIW an' all that, I found that I preferred the very wide OE bars on my last Gen1 Tracer over the somewhat narrower 'bars on the GT. The Gen1 seemed to me to give the very comfortable ergos that I'd become used to on previous BMW GSs - very flat, very wide, very comfy, very accommodating of my preferred sit-up-and-beg stance. Pix below courtesy cycle-ergo. YMMV and FWIW an' all that...